Yokomo DIB! Pics and First driving impressions.

Firstly, this is a sexy looking chassis. It's kind of a DRB on a diet and a wearing a skin tight dress! The blue alloy bridge is, in my opinion, a better looking item than the silver DRB hyper drive.

The chassis certainly has the visual appeal. This particular chassis features, option pack 1&2 from Yokomo, Overdose 8-8 hubs and RC-ART shocks and a few other items. A DIB tuned like this is similar, although slightly more expensive in price than the SSG High Traction DRB of similar visual spec.

So what's really different? well the central battery location keeps all the weight central to the chassis. This should in effect maximize weight balance for perfect handling. There is a swinging plate that allows access to the battery once the ESC is moved.

Here is my DRB on the left and the DIB on the right. Similar... YES!


DRB. Is there really a big difference? I currently have the large battery installed, but when the 3/4 size 2800 yokomo is used, the difference is minimal.

CS 1.5 DIB

CS 1.8 DRB. rear components are the same part numbers.

Top view shows the swapped servo positions. you can see the plate for mounting the ESC on the DIB in this picture.

Spur position is the main reason I'd personally never buy this chassis. I love running super low bodies, I've had trouble with this in the past. My test fitting today confirmed my fears. no FD RX-7 on the DRB.
Some might argue that the weight is a little higher in the DIB chassis.
First driving impressions during a shakedown session were good. The chassis feels responsive and with fine tune of settings should be well balanced. However, running with other similar chassis DRB, TA-06, CE-RX confirmed a definite lack of traction. I'm sure the addition of weight in the rear might solve this issue, but it kind of defeats the purpose of the DIB.
For someone coming from a normal drift package into the DIB, I'd say it's still a nicely balanced chassis and beginners would feel a major enhancement, but for those DRB drivers wanting a second chassis. It doesn't seem to be a match... Yet
After some trouble setting. Similar performance is all in the setup it seems. Get the metal extras.the extra weight is a good investment.
Stay tuned. I'll be following the OD spec DIB closely.
so what should we buy for ultimate drift chassis? i like the dib for what it looks..a beauty but less traction..and i like the drb for its performance..does the dib have similar performance as the drb? thats what i wanna know..im so confuse what to choose..